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Future of the Families – Families of the Future Conference

2015. szeptember 17.

Brussels, European Parliament,
30th of September 2015, 16:00


Opening speeches:

-          Ildikó Pelczné Gáll (Vice-President of the European Parliament, EPP-Group, Hungary)

-          Kinga Joó and Endre Szabó (Confederation of Family Associations in the Carpathian Basin and the National Association of Large Families in Hungary)

„Demographic challenges”

Chair: MEP György Hölvényi


Keynote speech: András Székely (Hungarian movement called „Three Princesses and three Princes”) - Demography in Europe Katalin Novák (Ministry of Human Capacities, Hungary) - Demographic conditions and Family Policy in Hungary Tamás Kiss (Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities) Demographic challenges in the Carpathian-Basin László Márki (The European Large Families Confederation, ELFAC) – New ways in the efficient promotion of large families throughout Europe MEP Marijana Petir (Croatia – EPP-Group) – Traditional family as a cornerstone of a modern society MEP Anna Záborská (Slovakia – EPP-Group) - Family-friendly society as a model for Europe


The presentations are followed by questions and comments.


Coffee break


 „Family and Career- alternative solutions in Europe”

Keynote speech and roundtable discussion

Moderator: Miklós Panyi (communication expert)

Keynote speech: Prof. Gérard-François Dumont (Paris-Sorbonne University)

Participants of the roundtable discussion:

Prof. Gérard-François Dumont Ágnes Uhereczky (Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union, COFACE) Anikó Varga (National Association of Large Families in Hungary) Ildikó Pelczné Gáll (Vice-President of the European Parliament, EPP-Group, Hungary)


The roundtable discussion is followed by questions and comments.

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