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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - 3rd European Youth Workshop and Budapest Family Summit

2017. május 13.


3rd European Youth Workshop and Budapest Family Summit

for young people aged 18-35

Budapest (Hungary), 22-28 May 2017


Following the success of the first two events of the same kind, the Confederation of Family Associations in the Carpathian Basin is organizing its third European Youth Workshop on family issues between 22-24 May 2017. The workshop is being organised alongside with the Budapest Family Summit, held between 25-28 May 2017.

This European Youth Workshop is following the steps of the first two European Youth Workshops (EYW) held in Budapest in February 2016 and in Brussels in October 2016, respectively. It will be centered around the values, challenges, psychological aspects, career-related issues of family as seen today and visioned for the future. As it was declared by the young participants of the first European Youth Weekend: “Families are Europe’s treasure, and are the future in a country.”

The European Youth Workshop is an intensive three-day program (22-24 May), with the following theme: “Changing Roles in the Family”. The workshop will give a forum to young participants to speak about their thoughts and motifs regarding family and their future, and to express how they would like to accomplish their hopes concerning their own family lives. They will have an opportunity to discuss what family policies are needed on the political side to develop a positive view of the role of the family as the best investment of the society into the future. Participants will also discuss how pro-family civil organizations can promote these issues, and they will be asked to propose solutions as well.

Participants of the EYW are also invited to take part in the Budapest Family Summit. The Summit has several sub-programs, including the Budapest Demographic Forum (BDF) on 25 May, the World Congress of Families XI (WCF XI) on 26-27 May and the “Viva Familia” Family Festival on 28 May. The WCF XI has designed a special “Global Forum for Youth and Emerging Leaders” sub-program for young people from all over the world; the European participants being selected by the organisers of the EYW. More info about the Budapest Family Summit can be read here.Ifyouareunabletostayforbothevents, you must give a profoundreasoninginyourapplication.

A pro-active attitude, willingness to work hard, and open-mindedness are essential to the success of the event. The working language of the EYW is English; a high command of English is required.

The following expenses of successful applicants will be covered by the organisers:

Accommodation in Budapest for the duration of the two main events: European Youth Workshop (22-24 May) and Budapest Family Summit (25-28 May) - 6 nights; Meals for the whole period of stay (3 times/day); Local travel pass for public transportation in Budapest for the whole week; Supplementary support (upon need-based selection): cost of travel to/from Budapest.

Travel costs should basically be arranged on your own. However, we offer need-based cover of travel costs to a limited number of applicants. Applicants requesting consideration for need-based travel support should indicate their request in the application form. The organisers will try to do their best to cover the travel costs for the selected applicants. 


Successful applicants should

be aged from 18 to 35, speak fluent English, be familiar with (or have great interest in) family-related issues and tendencies, be convinced that their voice matters in shaping the future of families in Europe.

 Application process

Fill in the online application form, answering all the questions in the form, Send your CV (Europass-format), Write a mini-essay entitled “Changing roles in the family - how I see it”. Your composition should not exceed 1800 characters. Longer essays will not be considered! Send in a short home-made video about the topic “What kind of family do I expect for myself within 15 years?”or“My ideal family”. Your video should not be longer than 90 seconds. Due to the limited capacity of email-attachments, we would like you to share your video with our official email address (info.eyw@gmail.com) via an optional file-sharing website (Google Drive, if possible) by creating a direct link to the video. Hereby you can upload the video in its original size without debasing the quality. The supported file types are the following: WebM,MPEG4, 3GPP, MOV, AVI, MPEGPS, WMV, FLV, ogg. Alternatively, instead of a home-made video, you can prepare a ppt presentation with the same topic and title. If you choose to elaborate the topic this way, your presentation should not contain more than 8 slides.

Weencourageyoutofocusonusingyourcreative mind, honesty, openness and humor ratherthanworrytoomuchaboutthequality of your video.

The application form can be downloaded from here.

Your CV, mini-essay and video or ppt presentation should be sent in ONE e-mail to the address: info.eyw@gmail.com.

Application deadline is 5 April 2017. Late applications will not be considered.

Applicants will be informed about the selection results by mid-April.For further information, please contact the following email address: info.eyw@gmail.com.


János Pataki


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